Investing in people. Expanding opportunity. Building a better Tulsa.
Did you know that a single parent raising two kids can work full time making $10/hr and still live in poverty?
It's true. And while there are so many amazing career training opportunities to help people enter jobs with better wages, many find it impossible to take time off work to attend these trainings when they are barely making ends mee
Did you know that a single parent raising two kids can work full time making $10/hr and still live in poverty?
It's true. And while there are so many amazing career training opportunities to help people enter jobs with better wages, many find it impossible to take time off work to attend these trainings when they are barely making ends meet.
We believe, by investing directly in people, we can change that - for good.
LevelUp Tulsa was created by and for North Tulsa community members to help give more parents living in North Tulsa access to job training opportunities.
Managed by the Met Cares Foundation, LevelUp partners directly with training providers like Goodwill and Tulsa Community WorkAdvance to connect our participants to job training opportunities in a variety of career fields!
We work with North Tulsa residents to connect them with job training opportunities across the city.
LevelUp participants receive a weekly stipend for each week they are enrolled and actively engaged in a job training course.
We support participants for up to 16 weeks of job training, mentorship and stipend payments!
LevelUp Tulsa serves parents/guardians of North Tulsa children who are:
- Unemployed or making $14/hr or less
- Actively looking to complete a training course to enhance their career and earning potential
- Meet all requirements of the training course they wish to enter
We are proud to have supported more than 50 amazing participants so far!